Do you find yourself stuck or feeling like there is no hope? Find it hard to get out of bed, or normal daily activities feel harder or bring less join than they used to?
Depression, and depression symptoms, can vary depending on the person, but below are some commons things you may be experiencing:
- Difficulty in doing daily activities (getting out of bed, personal hygiene, household chores, engaging with others, vocational tasks).
- Less enjoyment from things, people or environments that used to bring you joy
- Overwhelming sadness
- Hopelessness
- Increased crying, including unexplained crying
- Decreased motivation
- Emotional numbness
- Irritability
- Sleep disturbances
- Suicidal ideation
Do you find symptoms like these, or others, interfering with your daily life or relationships? Are you losing your ability to function vocationally, socially, relationally, physically? We all experience difficult or disappointing seasons of life, but if you or someone you know is stuck in a cycle of hopelessness, sadness, significantly reduced motivation, or life feels much harder than it should be, you may have depression or depression symptoms. If you have found it difficult to get unstuck from depression, or the symptoms have a hold on you, counseling can be an effective treatment for depression.
Can counseling help with my depression?
You are not alone: there is help and there is a hope! For many people, counseling can be a very effective way to address depression. Due to the nature of depression, those suffering may find it hard to get through it on their own. Seeking help from a mental health professional can reduce the duration and help prevent relapse. Techniques and methods including behavior activation, acceptance-based cognitive-behavioral therapies and interpersonal therapy are just a few of the approaches a therapist might take to combat depression. Addressing things like nutrition, physical activity, and mindfulness are also especially helpful when combatting depression. Sometimes the things we want to do the least when depressed, are the things we need to do the most! This is hard for those battling depression, so having a coach and someone on your team helps to bring motivation and encouragement where you might be lacking.
Do I need medication for my depression?
First and foremost, we are not medical doctors, so please see your primary care doctor for a full physical to rule out any other medical conditions and prescribe medication if necessary. As far as medication, if you are not currently taking depression medication, we typically suggest you try a few sessions (maybe 6-8) of counseling as you may find some relief and not need to pursue a prescription. In other cases, medication may be effective in getting more out of counseling. If you are already on medication, counseling can be a good supplement to your current regimen.
There is hope
Contact us to learn more about how counseling can be an effective treatment of depression or to be connected to a counselor on our team. You don’t have to keep suffering, and you certainly do not have to do it alone.
If you are currently suicidal, please call 911, proceed to your nearest emergency room, or call the suicide hotline at 1-800-273-8255.
additional support available through our podcast
Through Rough Waters - Episode 18 - What even is depression?
Through Rough Waters - Episode 19 - Walking through depression
Through Rough Waters - Episode 20 - Taking care of someone with depression
Through Rough Waters - Episode 21 - Depression & self harm